如果返回结果中存在 Error 字段,则表示调用 API 接口失败。例如:
{ "ResponseMetadata": { "RequestId": "2021041510110201022510703416005FB0", "Action": "ListCdnDomains", "Version": "2022-03-01", "Service": "mcdn", "Region": "cn-north-1", "Error": { "Code": "ResourceNotFound", "Message": "The specified resource was not found." } } }
Http状态码 | 错误码 | 错误信息 | 描述 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam | An invalid or out-of-range value was supplied for the input parameter. | 参数错误。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.TimeRange | The specified time range was invalid. | 参数错误:时间范围超出限制。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.Interval | The specified interval was invalid. | 参数错误:时间粒度错误。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.Metric | The specified metric was invalid. | 参数错误:指标错误。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.Tag | The specified tag was invalid. | 参数错误:标签错误。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.CdnType | The specified cdn type was invalid. | 参数错误:类型错误。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.Isp | The specified isp was invalid. | 参数错误:运营商错误。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.CountryRegion | The specified country or region was invalid. | 参数错误:国家地区错误。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.Domain | The specified domain was invalid. | 参数错误:域名错误。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.SortBy | The specified SortBy was invalid. | 参数错误:排序指标错误。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.Protocol | The specified protocol was invalid. | 参数错误:协议错误。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.IPVersion | The specified ip version was invalid. | 参数错误:IP版本错误。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.PageSize | The specified page size was invalid. | 参数错误:PageSize错误。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.PageNum | The specified page num was invalid. | 参数错误:PageNum错误。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.Item | The specified item was invalid. | 参数错误:Item错误。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.Area | The specified area was invalid. | 参数错误:Area错误。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.Aggregate | The specified aggregate was invalid. | 参数错误:Aggregate错误。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.Vendor | The specified vendor was invalid. | 参数错误:Vendor错误。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.CloudAccountId | The specified cloud account id was invalid. | 参数错误:CloudAccountId错误。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.CloudAccountIdStatus | The specified cloud account id status was invalid. | 参数错误:CloudAccountId同步状态不合法。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.DomainStatus | The specified domain status was invalid. | 参数错误:domain状态不合法。 |
404 | mcdn.ResourceNotFound | The specified resource was not found. | 该资源不存在。 |
406 | mcdn.ResourceNotAcceptable | The specified resource was not acceptable. | 无法接受该资源。 |
500 | mcdn.InternalError | There was an internal error occurred. | 内部错误,请重试或联系客服人员解决。 |
409 | mcdn.ResourceInUse | The specified resource already exists. | 资源已存在。 |
403 | mcdn.UnsupportedOperation | The operation is unsupported. | 操作不合法。 |
403 | mcdn.UnsupportedOperation | The operation is unsupported because the domain has been used by dns schedule. | 域名被调度使用,不支持该操作。 |
403 | mcdn.UnsupportedOperation.ServiceStopped | The operation is unsupported because the service was stopped. | 服务处于停用状态,不支持该操作。 |
403 | mcdn.UnsupportedOperation.ServiceSuspended | The operation is unsupported because the service was suspended. | 服务处于关停状态,不支持该操作。 |
429 | mcdn.RateLimitExceeded | Request was rejected because the request speed of this action is beyond the current rate limit. | 请求过于频繁,超出了基本限速。 |
403 | mcdn.PermissionDenied | You do not have permission to do this operation. | 您没有权限执行该操作。 |
401 | mcdn.Unauthorized | Unauthorized identity. | 缺乏有效的身份凭证。 |
403 | mcdn.UnsupportedOperation.DomainsInUse | The operation is unsupported because some domains are still in use. | 操作不合法:该账号下存在正在使用中的域名,无法删除。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.AccountName | The specified cloud account name was invalid. | 参数错误:云厂商账号名不合法。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.AccessKey | The specified access key was invalid. | 参数错误:access key不合法。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.SecretKey | The specified secret key was invalid. | 参数错误:secret key不合法。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.MissingCredential | The cloud account's credential is missed. | 参数错误:账号秘钥配置缺失。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.ProductId | The specified product id was invalid. | 参数错误:product id不合法。 |
403 | mcdn.UnsupportedOperation.AccountNameInUse | The specified account name already exist. | 操作不合法:已存在同名的名称。 |
403 | mcdn.UnsupportedOperation.VendorAlreadyExist | The specified vendor account already exist. | 操作不合法:该厂商账号已导入。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.VendorName | The specified vendor name was invalid. | 不合规范的厂商名。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.SyncStatus | The specified sync status was invalid. | 参数错误:同步状态值不合法。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.SyncInterval | The specified sync interval was invalid. | 参数错误:同步频率不合法。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.ModuleName | The specified module name was invalid. | 参数错误:暂不支持该模块。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.SyncSettingForUpdate | The specified sync settings was invalid. | 参数错误:更新配置不合法。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.MustFillRecordStartAndEndTimes | Miss start time or end time. | 参数错误:开始时间或结束时间未填写。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.StartTimeIsLateThanEndTime | End time must be later than start time. | 参数错误:结束时间不得早于开始时间。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.ScheduleJobStatus | The specified status was invalid. | 参数错误:状态值不合法。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.InvalidDomain | The specified domains were invalid. | 参数错误:域名格式不合法 |
403 | mcdn.UnsupportedOperation.MissAccountId | Miss top account id. | 参数错误:用户身份缺失。 |
403 | mcdn.UnsupportedOperation.MissCloudAccountId | Miss cloud account account id. | 参数错误:用户账户缺失。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.DomainNotIcp | The domain was not icp. | 参数错误:域名没有备案。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.DomainNotExist | There are no domain matched these filters. | 参数错误:符合条件的域名不存在。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.DomainName | The domain name was invalid. | 参数错误:域名名称非法。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.Region | The region was invalid. | 参数错误:域名服务区域非法。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.DomainIsAlreadyExist | The domain is already exist. | 参数错误:域名已经存在。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.Host | The host was invalid. | 参数错误:域名回源Host非法。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.Origin | The origin was invalid. | 参数错误:域名源站配置非法。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.ExceedDomainLimit | The number of domain names exceeds the limit. | 参数错误:域名数量超过限制。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.BackupHost | The BackupHost was invalid. | 参数错误:域名备用回源Host非法。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.HttpsConfig | The domain Https Config was invalid | 参数错误:域名Https参数错误。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.ReferControl | The domain ReferControl Config was invalid | 参数错误:域名Refer控制参数错误。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.IpControl | The domain IpControl Config was invalid | 参数错误:域名Ip控制参数错误。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.AuthControl | The domain AuthControl Config was invalid | 参数错误:域名Ip控制参数错误。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.Cache | The domain Cache Config was invalid | 参数错误:域名缓存参数错误。 |
403 | mcdn.ContentVendorException | The operation was failed on the vendor. | 在云厂商中执行操作失败。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.NoDocument | No document with this task id. | 参数错误:不存在task id。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.CloudAccountErr | Exist Error Cloud Account. | 参数错误:存在错误的cloud account。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.UrlsErr | Submit Err Urls. | 参数错误:提交了错误的url。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.DomainNotExist | Exists Not included domain. | 参数错误:提交了不存在或者不属于该用户的域名。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.TaskType | TaskType not supported. | 参数错误:TaskType 参数错误。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.RefreshType | RefreshType not supported. | 参数错误:RefreshType 参数错误。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.UrlExceedLimits | Submit Urls Exceed Limits. | 参数错误:提交URL超限。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.DirUrlErr | Submit Dir should end with /. | 参数错误:目录需要以/结尾。 |
400 | mcdn.VendorError | There was an vendor error occurred. | 云供应商错误,请重试或联系客服人员解决。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidLanguage | The specified language was invalid. | 参数错误:请求的语言类型不合法。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidIp | The specified ip was invalid. | 参数错误:填写的IP地址不合法。 |
403 | mcdn.UnsupportedOperation.AlreadyExistInstance | The specified operation is unsupported because instance of this account already exists. | 请勿重复订阅。 |
403 | mcdn.UnsupportedOperation.UnsupportedInstanceType | The specified instance type is unsupported. | 不支持订阅该实例类型。 |
403 | mcdn.UnsupportedOperation.UnsupportedInstanceMessageType | The specified type of the instance message is unsupported. | 不支持处理该实例消息。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.MustBothFillStartAndEndTimes | Miss start time or end time. | 参数错误:开始时间或结束时间未填写。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.StartTimeIsLateThanEndTime | End time must be later than start time. | 参数错误:结束时间不得早于开始时间。 |
403 | mcdn.PermissionDenied.AccountNotVerified | Your account is not verified | 账号未实名认证 |
400 | mcdn.ResourceValidationError | The specified resource validation occurred error. | 资源验证发生错误。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.DomainName | The specified dns schedule domain name was invalid. | 参数错误:调度域名不合法。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.Status | The specified dns schedule status was invalid. | 参数错误:调度状态不合法。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.Region | The specified dns schedule region was invalid. | 参数错误:调度区域不合法。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.DomesticWeight | The specified domestic weight was invalid. | 参数错误:中国内地区域配置不合法。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.DomesticDomainIds | The specified domestic domain id was invalid. | 参数错误:中国内地域名id不合法。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.GlobalWeight | The specified global weight was invalid. | 参数错误:全球区域配置不合法。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.GlobalDomainIds | The specified global domain id was invalid. | 参数错误:全球域名id不合法。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.WeightIsp | The specified isp was invalid. | 参数错误:isp不合法。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.WeightItems | The specified weight items was invalid. | 参数错误:区域配置子项不合法。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.Failover | The specified failover was invalid. | 参数错误:智能容灾不合法。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.FailoverWeightIds | The specified failover weight id was invalid. | 参数错误:容灾区域配置Id不合法。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.FailoverHttpUrl | The specified failover http url was invalid, must be started with http or https, consistent with domain name. | 参数错误:智能容灾http配置的URL不合法,必须带有http和https,并与域名一致。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.FailoverEmail | The specified failover email was invalid, format check failed. | 参数错误:智能容灾邮件不合法,格式检查错误。 |
400 | mcdn.InvalidParam.FailoverPhoneNumber | The specified failover phone number was invalid, format check failed. | 参数错误:智能容灾电话号码不合法,格式检查错误。 |
404 | mcdn.DnsScheduleNotFound | The specified dns-schedule was not found. | 该调度不存在。 |
404 | mcdn.DnsScheduleWeightNotFound | The specified dns-schedule weight was not found. | 该调度区域配置不存在。 |
404 | mcdn.DnsScheduleFailoverWeightNotFound | The specified dns-schedule failover-weight was not found. | 该调度的容灾区域配置不存在。 |
403 | mcdn.UnsupportedOperation.StatusDisable | The status in the specified dns schedule was disable, the operation was not unsupported. | 调度状态是未启动,该操作无法执行。 |
403 | mcdn.UnsupportedOperation.WeightExisted | The view in the specified dns schedule had weight config, the operation was not unsupported. | 调度中该区域存在区域配置,该操作无法执行。 |
403 | mcdn.UnsupportedOperation.FailoverExisted | The specified dns schedule had failover config, the operation was not unsupported. | 该调度存在智能容灾配置,该操作无法执行。 |
403 | mcdn.UnsupportedOperation.RegionMismatched | The specified dns schedule region mismatch weight, the operation was not unsupported. | 该调度设置的区域与区域配置不匹配,该操作无法执行。 |
403 | mcdn.UnsupportedOperation.WeightDeleted | The specified dns schedule weight cannot be deleted, the operation was not unsupported. | 该调度区域配置无法被删除,该操作无法执行。 |