本文汇总了云数据库 veDB MySQL 版中可能出现的错误码。
分类 | 错误码 | Message | HttpCode | 描述 |
公共 | InvalidParameterFormat | The input parameter is not valid. | 400 | 异常参数。 |
InvalidParameter | The specified parameter %s is not valid. | 400 | 参数 %s 值无效。 | |
InvalidPageNumber | PageNumber must greater or equal to 1. | 400 | 分页页数应该大于等于 1。 | |
InvalidPageSize | PageSize must be between 1-%s. | 400 | 分页条数应该在 1 到 %s 之间。 | |
MissingParameter | The input parameter %s that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied. | 400 | 缺少 %s 参数。 | |
MissingParameter.AtLeastOneParameter | At least one parameter in the given array %v is mandatory. | 400 | 需至少填入数组 %v 中的一个参数。 | |
InvalidParameter.AtMostOneParameter | At most one parameter in the given array %v is mandatory. | 400 | 最多只能填入数组 %v 中的一个参数。 | |
InternalError | The request processing has failed with internal server error. | 500 | 内部错误。 | |
ServiceUnavailable | The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server. | 503 | 当前服务暂时不可用。 | |
实例 | InvalidNodeSpec | The NodeSpec is not invalid. Supported options are: %v. | 400 | 节点规格无效。支持的规格配置有:%v。 |
InvalidInstanceName | Length must be between 1-128, must start with a letter or a Chinese character, contains only alphabets, numbers, '-', '_' Chinese charactors or empty string. | 400 | 长度需要在 1~128 个字符之间,必须以字母或汉字开头,只能包含字母、数字、下划线(_)、中划线(-)、汉字、或空字符串。 | |
InvalidInstanceStatus | The Instance Status is not invalid. | 400 | 实例状态无效。 | |
InvalidParameter.TimeZoneMalformed | Accepted Time Zone format should be like 'UTC -12:00', 'UTC +10:00'. | 400 | 可接受的时区格式如 UTC -12:00,UTC +10:00。 | |
InvalidInstanceStatus.NotRunning | The specified instance is not running. | 400 | 当前实例状态不在运行中。 | |
InvalidInstanceStatus.Closed | The specified instance has closed. | 400 | 当前实例已关停。 | |
InvalidInstanceId.NotFound | The specified instance does not exist. | 404 | 该实例不存在。 | |
InvalidNode.NotFound | Instance [%s] in Cluster [%s] is not exist. | 404 | 集群 [%s] 中的实例 [%s] 不存在。 | |
InvalidInstanceId.Duplicate | The specified instance already exists. | 400 | 该实例已存在。 | |
白名单 | InvalidParameter.AllowListNameMalformed | Length must be between 1-128, must start with a letter or a Chinese character, contains only alphabets, numbers, "-", "_" and Chinese characters. | 400 | 长度必须在 1~128 之间,必须以字母或汉字开头,只能包含字母、数字、中划线(-)或下划线(_)。 |
InvalidAllowListName.Duplicate | The specified AllowList already exists. | 400 | 指定的白名单已存在。 | |
InvalidParameter.AllowListDescMalformed | Length must be less than 200. | 400 | 长度必须小于 200。 | |
QuotaExceeded.AllowListIP | The IPs in the AllowList cannot exceed %v. | 400 | 一个白名单中的 IP 不能超过 %v 个。 | |
InvalidAllowListIPList.InvalidIPList | The specified IPList exists duplicate IP address. | 400 | 指定的 IP 列表无效。 | |
QuotaExceeded.AllowList | The AllowLists in region cannot exceed %v | 400 | 一个地域中的白名单不能超过 %v 个。 | |
InvalidAllowListId.NotFound | The specified AllowList does not exist. | 404 | 指定的白名单不存在。 | |
InvalidAllowListIPList.IPDuplicate | The specified IPList exists duplicate IP address. | 400 | 指定的 IP 列表存在重复的 IP 地址。 | |
InvalidParameter.Unsupported | The specified %s is not supported. | 400 | 不支持 %s 参数。 | |
OperationDenied.ApplyInstanceNumConflict | The input parameter ApplyInstanceNum is s%, but there are v% instances applying this AllowList. | 400 | 输入参数 ApplyInstanceNum 为 s%,但存在 v% 的实例应用此白名单。 | |
OperationDenied.AllowListIdInuse | The operation is not permitted due to the specified AllowList is associated by instance. | 400 | 指定的白名单已与实例绑定,无法执行该操作。 | |
QuotaExceeded.AllowListAssociation | The specified AllowList exceeds the association limit. | 400 | 指定的白名单超出了绑定限制。 | |
QuotaExceeded.InstanceAllowList | The specified instance exceeds the association limit. | 400 | 指定的实例超出了绑定限制。 | |
QuotaExceeded.InstanceAllowListIP | The IP addresses of the AllowLists associated with the specified instance exceeds the limit. | 400 | 与指定实例绑定的白名单的 IP 地址超过限制。 | |
数据库 | InvalidParameter.DatabaseNameMalformed | Length must be between 2-64, must start with a low case letter, contains only low case letter, numbers, '_', '-', and can't contains keywords, and end with a low case letter or number. | 400 | 长度需要在 2~64 个字符之间,应该以小写字母开头,以小写字母或数字结尾,只能包含小写字母、数字、和下划线(_),不可以包含关键字。 |
InvalidDatabaseType | The Database Type is not invalid. | 400 | 数据库类型无效。 | |
InvalidCharacterSet | The Character Set is only support: utf8, ascii, latin1, utf8mb4. | 400 | 字符集仅支持 utf8,ascii,latin1 和 utf8mb4。 | |
InvalidDatabaseName.Duplicate | The specified database name already exists. | 400 | 该数据库已存在。 | |
InvalidDatabaseName.NotFound | The specified database name does not exist. | 404 | 该数据库不存在。 | |
备份恢复 | InvalidBackupPeriod | The Backup Period is only support: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. | 400 | 全量备份周期仅支持选择星期一、星期二、星期三、星期四、星期五、星期六、星期天。 |
OperationDenied.BackupAmountOverTheLimit | The operation is not permitted due to the db or table amount over the limit. | 400 | 数据库或表数量超过上限,无法执行该操作。 | |
OperationDenied.BackupJobExists | The operation is not permitted due to exist running backup job. | 400 | 当前实例正在执行备份任务,无法执行该操作。 | |
InvalidSnapShot.NotFound | The specified Snap Shot does not exist. | 404 | 该快照不存在。 | |
InvalidBackupWindow | The backup windows is preferred to be 2 hours. | 400 | 备份窗口最好是 2 小时。 | |
OperationDenied.SnapshotNotReady | The specified snapshot %s is not ready. | 400 | 快照 %s 未就绪。 | |
InvalidBackupId | The specified BackupId is invalid. | 400 | 指定的备份 ID 无效。 | |
计费 | InvalidChargeType | The Charge Type is only support %v . | 400 | 计费方式仅支持 %v。 |
维护 | InvalidMaintainWindow | Maintain Window should be as format 00:00 to 02:00 and duration should be 2 to 4 hours. | 400 | 维护窗口应采用 00:00~02:00 的格式,窗口期应在 2~4 小时之间。 |
账号 | InvalidPrivilegeType | The Privilege Type is only support: ReadWrite ReadOnly DDLOnly DMLOnly Custom. | 400 | 权限类型仅支持 ReadWrite 、ReadOnly 、DDLOnly 、DMLOnly 和 Custom 。 |
InvalidPrivilegeDetail | Only custom read and write permissions are supported. | 400 | 仅支持自定义读写权限。 | |
InvalidAccountName.Duplicate | The specified Account Name already exists. | 400 | 账号已存在。 | |
InvalidAccountName.NotFound | The specified Account Name does not exist. | 400 | 该账号不存在。 | |
InvalidDatabasePrivilege.Repetitive | The Database %s , Privilege %s is repetitive. | 400 | 数据库 %s 的权限 s% 重复。 | |
InvalidUserPrivilege.Repetitive | The User %s , Privilege %s is repetitive. | 400 | 账号 s% 的权限 % 重复。 | |
InvalidAccountType | The specified account type is not valid. | 400 | 账号类型无效。 | |
InvalidParameter.UserNameMalformed | Length must be between 2-32, must start with a low case letter, contains only low case letter, numbers, '_', and can't contains keywords, and end with a low case letter or number. | 400 | 长度需要在 2~32 个字符之间,应该以小写字母开头,以小写字母或数字结尾,只能包含小写字母、数字、和下划线(_),不可以包含关键字。 | |
InvalidParameter.PasswordMalformed | Length must be between 8-32, contain at least any three of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, or special characters. | 400 | 长度需要在 8~32 个字符之间,应至少包含大写字母、小写字母、数字和特殊字符(_#!@$%^&*()+=-)中的三种。 | |
操作 | OperationDenied.UnsupportedOperation | The operation is unsupported for the specified instance. | 400 | 当前实例不支持该操作。 |
OperationDenied.InvalidNode | Instance [%s] in Cluster [%s] is not reachable. | 400 | 集群 [%s] 中的实例 [%s] 不可访问。 | |
OperationDenied.StatusNotReady | The required reboot is not allowed now. | 400 | 重启当前无法执行。 | |
OperationDenied.InstanceLockMode | The operation is not permitted due to lock of instance. | 403 | 当前实例已锁定,无法执行该操作。 | |
OperationDenied.InstanceMaintaining | The operation is not permitted due to the instance being maintained. | 400 | 当前实例在维护中,无法执行该操作。 | |
网络连接 | InvalidVpcId.NotFound | The specified VPC ID does not exist. | 404 | 该 VPC ID 不存在。 |
InvalidSubnetId.Unavailable | The specified SubnetId is unavailable. | 400 | 该子网 ID 不可用。 | |
InvalidEipId.Unavailable | The specified EipId is unavailable. | 400 | 该 EIP ID 不存在。 | |
EndpointLimitExceed | The custom endpoints of specified instance exceed its limit. | 400 | 该实例的自定义终端数量超出限制。 | |
InvalidEndpointId.NotFound | The specified EndpointId does not exist. | 400 | 指定的连接终端 ID 不存在。 | |
InvalidEndpointId.NotAllowed | The specified EndpointId is not allowed. | 400 | 指定的连接终端 ID 不允许执行该操作。 | |
OperationDenied.InvalidEndpointStatus | The operation is not allowed because the specified endpoint %s needs at least one node. | 400 | 缩减节点个数后,连接终端 %s 不满足至少关联一个节点的限制。 | |
InvalidParameter.DnsConflict | Dns is already used, connection address:%s. | 400 | 参数无效,DNS 已经被使用,连接地址:%s。 | |
InvalidParameter.DomainPrefixMalformed | The domain prefix does not conform to the specification. | 400 | 连接地址前缀不符合规范,连接地址的前缀需满足以下规则:
| |
InvalidParameter.PortMalformed | Port must be between 1000-65534. | 400 | 参数错误 Port 取值不合法,Port 取值范围为 1000~65534。 |